Getting Stronger w/ Kettlebells

Throughout my time as a Kettlebell Trainer I have watched a lot of people get stronger, sometimes over long periods of time, sometimes seemingly in an instant. Regardless of how long it has taken, something that is always constant is that people do get stronger. But this does not always come with an easy task. Some bodies aren’t conditioned to being strong yet, which can create a certain level of caution when working towards new found and uncharted limits.

It’s like stumbling over a ledge. If you can catch yourself, or are durable enough to take the fall, then you can get a learning experience from which to grow, i.e. watch your step. But, if you don’t catch yourself and you can't take the impact of the fall then the body is going to have a much harder time dealing with the event.

In simple weightlifting terms, if you overdo something, whether it's the weight or the reps, you either have to be strong enough to recover from going too far or you have to be able to sustain the injury without catastrophic effect. All of this is pointing to the fact that getting stronger, depending on who you are, is either a gradual progression of checks and balances, or it is your body being ready to get strong.

In Kettlebell training, my personal favorite to start with is the person who has been dabbling with Kettlebells already. These people, when introduced to the foundations of a progressive practice, can seemingly double the size Kettlebells that they are using within a single session. Their sessions are full of all sorts of "a-ha moments" when they connect what is being suggested with what they have previously been attempting to do. I love it because this is what proper Kettlebell training has to offer to anybody wanting to develop, build, maintain, or increase their personal ability through exercise, and it happens consistently time and time again!