The Secrets To lifting Kettlebells : Engagement & Alignment

I’ve always created instruction for kettlebell training around the basic thought that progression lies largely on one’s ability to maintain muscle engagement and sustain body alignment. My work is to help my personal training clients engage and align as automatically as possible when dealing with weight. 

In my opinion, practicing consistency with engagement and alignment is the most important factor for lasting success within any strength training practice. As the training advances, and gets more strenuous, I fall back on my consistent technique. This all becomes part of my muscle memory.

It is in these sequences of muscle memory that I can see the learning curve in those whom I work with, from beginner to advanced. How so many things felt totally unfamiliar and hard to keep track of in the beginning. And, how proper education, combined with consistent practice, have gotten all the necessary sequences to happen automatically, as they advance.

What is automatically happening for you when you pick up a kettlebell? What is your sequence of engagement? Is it the same every time, no matter the weight? How does it differ from one session to the next?

These are all food for thought questions, not just for kettlebell lifting but throughout your entire exercise practice. Get it to the point where most of what you’re doing is consistently practicing muscle engagement and body alignment with every lift and I bet you’ll make some major progress - however that looks for you! Enjoy!