Learning To Use Kettlebells

Learning how to use kettlebell training progressions is like learning how to drive a car. One similarity being that as you learn to drive, and get more experience, the risk goes up exponentially, as with using kettlebells.

Kettlebell Beginners might treat their kettlebell training like they’re learning to drive a car in a parking lot — just practicing the foundation, and making sure that they can remember the checklists and sequences necessary for keeping things under control.

For Intermediate kettlebell lifters, who have an idea of how to put the basics into a solid practice, training becomes similar to driving around the block a few times — learning how to get from point A to B without damaging person or property. 

Advanced Kettlebell lifters can work as hard as they want to, and get all of the desired benefits, similar to commuting regularly or taking long trips — the practice is now a major part of their lifestyle and they stay safe across a spectrum of intensity.

Expert, or professional, lifters are like seasoned overhaul drivers. They understand the full control of the "vehicle"  and the operation — the process has become strategic and precise and there is the highest risk factor.

This makes me approach my training as I do my driving, from a realistic and intentional place where I feel engaged and confident each time.

How confident do you feel in your ability to work as hard you want to? Are you enjoying the ride?