Kettlebells for Beginners

Training with Kettlebells can be so fun, invigorating, and challenging all at the same time. For hundreds of years people have been developing a life-long relationship with progressive strength training and personal exercise using Kettlebells. To the majority of Kettlebell lifters, fitness and strength are both seen as skills to be developed. Like any other skill, the first few experiences can feel awkward and unfamiliar, but with persistence over time the skill will develop, as will the practitioners relationship to it.

For the beginner, this comes with the clear belief that technique will get better, that exercises will feel natural, and that it won't always be hard to focus on all of the pieces. As long as the focus is on gaining a better understanding of each lift as a skills practice. If there is no drive to improve then there will be very minimal progress in the long term. This is particularly true in fitness practices, and especially with practices like Kettlebell training.

In order to reach any desired level of proficiency, you have to be ready to push through some feelings of doubt about your ability and focus on your potential to perform at whatever level you desire.

In the end, if you desire an increased level of fitness then seek it out and do everything necessary to pursue it. Find a teacher who knows about the practice you are interested in and train with them for as long as you need to. Find other people who are in similar boats as you and cross-motivate, even if it’s just you and a hill you run up and down. My suggestion would be find something that intrigues you and work on getting better at it, it really can be a life changer!