Kettlebell Juggling

Staying Healthy w/ Kettlebells

Staying Healthy w/ Kettlebells

One thing that I realized early in training with Kettlebells was, no matter what kind of exercise program I was following, there were always going to be assumed risks with adding weights into my training.

Kettlebells for Injuries

Kettlebells for Injuries

If used properly and mindfully, Kettlebells can be wonderful tools for adding strength, stability, and confidence back into a training program after injury. I believe that strong recovery always comes down to the same few things when folks start to get back into working out after they’ve recovered.

What Do You Do w/ Kettlebells?

What Do You Do w/ Kettlebells?

Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start when trying to create fun and effective workouts for yourself, especially if you are just learning how to use the equipment that you have access to. This post aims to bring attention to some Kettlebell training exercises that will allow you to safely approach progression.

Mountain Biking w/ Kettlebells!

Mountain Biking w/ Kettlebells!

“Would I ever do that with a heavy Kettlebell, even if I was strong enough to?” If the answer is "no" then I would stop right there! Because there are definitely some foundational principles that go into using Kettlebells!

Kettlebells – The Perfect Weight

 Kettlebells – The Perfect Weight

Lifting Kettlebells offers an immediate change of pace, as well as a sort of mental-emotional reset. The muscle engagement techniques are a great way to create and reestablish a strong mind/body connection, and to set in good body mechanics while enhancing mental focus and demonstrating personal ability.

5 Ways To Know How To Lift Kettlebells

5 Ways To Know How To Lift Kettlebells

With Kettlebells the difference between progressive technique and ineffective technique can sometimes be hard to determine! Here are 5 sure fire ways to put yourself on the right path to safe and fulfilling progression!

Getting Stronger w/ Kettlebells

Regardless of how long it has taken, something that is always constant with proper Kettlebell training is that people do get stronger. But, to be honest, I do have to say that this does not always come with an easy task.

Pinch The Quarter! Pt. 2

All NCK training programs start with an introduction to the concept of engaging the entire musculature against any physical resistance. I refer to it as Radiant Compression and while the act makes it possible to safely move heavier loads, it also helps the lifter develop a firm understanding of how to apply our entire ability to any physical task.

Why Lift Heavy Kettlebells?

Believe it or not, for me, one of the biggest dangers in Kettlebell lifting is when people stick to using only the Kettlebells that feel "light and easy" to lift.

Kettlebell Progression

Train safely, effectively, and stay healthy and your ability is bound to improve. Guaranteed!