What Do You Do w/ Kettlebells?

Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start when trying to create fun and effective workouts for yourself, especially if you are just learning how to use the exercise equipment. Even more so with a Kettlebell.

Here are a few Kettlebell training exercises for beginners that will allow you to safely approach progression, and they might just have the broadest impact on your overall ability with Kettlebells and beyond.

A good exercise, done poorly, can very quickly become a bad exercise.

Keep things simple. Try practicing movements that have a lot of crossover into other fitness modalities. Three examples would be Squats, Presses, and Deadlift Variations. These movements are the foundation of every powerlifting program, not to mention all activities of daily living, and so they will probably feel somewhat familiar.

Using perfect form and consistently performing kettlebell squats, presses, and deadlifts, each for 5 sets of 6 repetitions, may be one of the simplest ways to get started with learning how to lift kettlebells

Find information sources and instruction that will help you work to get better and more confident with those exercises, then make them a part of your home fitness routine.

Here are a couple of good videos explaining variations for the Kettlebell Press and the Kettlebell Goblet Squat.

  If the videos and articles don’t give you enough confidence, and you still feel like kettlebells are a good fit for you, then definitely pay a certified instructor and throw as many questions as you can at them.

Whatever you do just make sure that you are practicing mindfulness when using your Kettlebells and stay engaged. Are you feeling a little more confident each session? If not, seek instruction, information, and direction. Above all, listen to your body!