Kettlebell Training For Laborers

Kettlebell Training For Laborers

In the history of Kettlebell training one of the primary uses has always been for the physical upkeep of the worker, farmer, and laborer.

Kettlebells For Active Recovery

Kettlebells For Active Recovery

In any effective kettlebell, weightlifting, or cross training exercise routine, whether performing beginner, intermediate, or advanced exercises Active Recovery drills can be some of the most important aspects in any program.

Learning To Use Kettlebells

Learning To Use Kettlebells

Learning how to use kettlebell training progressions is like learning how to drive a car, which makes me approach my training as I do my driving, from a realistic and intentional place where I feel engaged and confident each time.

Kettlebells For Building Confidence

Kettlebells For Building Confidence

I find that kettlebell training is a great fitness option for people who don’t feel confident with weight lifting as an exercise practice, helping people gain the confidence necessary for things like powerlifting, body building, and HIIT training with weights.

The Secrets To lifting Kettlebells : Engagement & Alignment

The Secrets To lifting Kettlebells : Engagement & Alignment

Practicing consistency with engagement and alignment is the most important factor for lasting success within any strength training practice. As the training advances, and gets more strenuous, I fall back on my consistent technique. This all becomes part of my muscle memory.

4 Tips to Improve Any Kettlebell Home Training Program

4 Tips to Improve Any Kettlebell Home Training Program

I’ve focused most of the attention of my own exercise program on decreasing the fear and apprehension that comes with lifting heavier kettlebells. I’ve always kept my rep counts and set schemes low and simple, I’ve stayed consistent, and I’ve practiced all of my lifts with lighter kettlebells, with the specific purpose of learning to use the heavier kettlebells with more confidence.

Staying Healthy w/ Kettlebells

Staying Healthy w/ Kettlebells

One thing that I realized early in training with Kettlebells was, no matter what kind of exercise program I was following, there were always going to be assumed risks with adding weights into my training.

Kettlebells for Injuries

Kettlebells for Injuries

If used properly and mindfully, Kettlebells can be wonderful tools for adding strength, stability, and confidence back into a training program after injury. I believe that strong recovery always comes down to the same few things when folks start to get back into working out after they’ve recovered.

What Do You Do w/ Kettlebells?

What Do You Do w/ Kettlebells?

Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start when trying to create fun and effective workouts for yourself, especially if you are just learning how to use the equipment that you have access to. This post aims to bring attention to some Kettlebell training exercises that will allow you to safely approach progression.